Kathryn Service was given the Excellence in Community Services award by the Gerontological Advanced Practices Nursing Association (GAPNA) at its 2024 annual meeting. Kathryn was noted a

s a highly engaged GAPNA member on multiple fronts in her local community and national groups. She is involved with the Alzheimer’s Association, Dementia Friends, Northampton Neighbors Board of Directors, and her local hospital volunteer force, to name only a few roles. She is a trainer throughout the city for other volunteers and medical professionals, with many of her efforts focused on helping individuals living with dementia to age in place, increase public awareness and knowledge, and impact city and state policies. Thanks to her efforts, Northampton was successfully designated a Dementia Friendly City in Massachusetts and she was asked to advise the Mayor on dementia-friendly downtown redevelopment. In addition to dementia education, Kathryn also ensures inclusion of people with disabilities as volunteers in the community.