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évènements à venir

Here you will find key past events and the materials produced from them.

The Changing Landscape of Care for Adults with Down Syndrome at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease: Preparing for Improvements in Diagnostic Assessments, Biomarkers and Medical Therapeutics


The aim of this meeting, held on April 25, 2023, was to bring together attendees at the American Academy of Neurology conference, leaders in the discipline of Alzheimer's disease, aging, and intellectual disabilities, representatives of several pharmas, and key stakeholders from the greater Boston metropolitan area, to address collectively a number of key issues via open discussion.

Discussed were a number of issues and concerns related to assessment of cognitive decline in adults with neuroatypical conditions as well as a review of the implications of the usage of biomarkers and new emerging Alzheimer's therapeutics. A statement and summary of the meeting is forthcoming.

This meeting was an 'in conjunction with' event held at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Boston, Massachusetts.  The site was the Element Boston Seaport District Hotel in Boston.


FMI: contact Dr. Seth Keller, the meeting's convenor.

To access copy of prospectus and agenda

To access the meeting report

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II Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia

Tuesday & Wednesday, October 24/25, 2023, Toronto, Ontario Canada
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This event was a collaborative effort undertaken by the Canadian NTG Consortium, the NTG (USA), the REENA Organization of Thornhill, Ontario, and others. The Summit, in a round-table format, was held over two days during which attendees will be examining three significant issues - human rights and intellectual disability, co-incident neuroatypical conditions, and brain health and wellness practices. The Summit was limited in attendance, but interested researchers, clinicians, agency personnel, and others were welcome to self-nominate for participation and invitation. The Toronto Summit, modeled on the first one held in Glasgow, Scotland in 2016, has agreed to produce a summative statement and participants will contribute to a series of reports and peer-reviewed articles which will emanate from the Summit.

The venue for the Summit was Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Dementia screening instruments are relatively quick and easy to administer, making them suitable for use in a variety of healthcare settings. Participant travel was self-funded, and the local organizer, the Reena Organization, subsidized lodging and contributed to local amenities. The meeting site was the Holiday Inn Pearson International Airport, 970 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario M3W 1J9.  Transcripts of the discussions for both days are found below (click on the Transcript Day 1 or Day 2 button for the PDF.

Persons interested in information on the status of outputs being produced by Summit participants can check the International Summit Secretariat website  For more details on the II Summit, the flyer for it is available below.

Summit Partners
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