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Bienvenidos a NTG

NTG es una organización sin fines de lucro encargada de garantizar que se tengan en cuenta los intereses de los adultos con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo afectados por la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras causas de demencia, así como los de sus familiares y amigos.

Nuestra misión es abogar por los servicios y apoyos para las personas con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias que se ven afectadas por la enfermedad de Alzheimer y las demencias.

Colaboraciones NTG


Transforming Practices: Summer Webinar Series for
Disability and Aging Professionals
August 8th & 22nd and September 12th & 28th
3:00 - 4:30 pm ET*
*Webinars will be recorded and a link to recording made available to those unable to attend the live event.
This series of 4 webinars will offer fresh perspectives, innovative approaches,
and practical tools to enhance your professional practices in supporting aging 
individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities who are at risk of or who have
developed Alzheimer's or a related form of dementia.​​​


About the event

  • General registration:  $149 for the series. NTG members receive a 20% discount. 

  • A certificate of attendance will be provided to all registrants.  


Webinar Schedule

  • August 8th: Brain Basics - Understanding Sensory Processing Challenges in Intellectual Disability.  Presented by Cameron Jeter, Ph.D. 

  • August 22nd: Unlocking Behaviors:  An Interdisciplinary Approach to Challenging Behaviors. Presented by Craig Escude, MD and Ley Linder, BCBA.

  • September 12th: Adapting Activities as Dementia Progresses.  Presented by Katie Frank, Ph.D., OTR/L. 

  • September 26th: Positive Exposure: The Beauty and Richness of Human Diversity. Presented by Rick Guidotti.

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NTG's New Informative Webinar! - Oct 29th

As diagnostic and treatment research has grown exponentially in the areas of biomarkers and anti-amyloid therapeutics since NTG’s last webinar on this topic, it is timely to learn what's new. This panel will discuss updates, provide practical applications, and confer on lifespan and ethical considerations for individuals with Down Syndrome-Alzheimer’s Disease (DS-AD). The panelists, representing various settings and reflecting diverse experiences, will offer us updated information, including the perspectives of a bio-ethicist. Come join us as this webinar will be helpful to clinicians, practitioners, families, providers, advocates, and others invested in the future for persons with Down syndrome.

Updates on Biomarkers, Therapeutics, Bioethics & Dementia: Continuing the Conversation for People with Down Syndrome

​Breaking News!!!!

The NTG has been awarded a grant to provide training/education and technical assistance on intellectual disability and dementia in alignment with CMS' new GUIDE Model initiative.

For more information...

NTG and LuMind IDSC Issue Advisory on Prescribing Criteria for Alzheimer's Therapeutics and Publish Report in Journal

The NTG, the LuMind IDSC Foundation, and an international blue ribbon expert panel produced an advisory on adapting drug formulary committed criteria by States so that adults with Down syndrome (and other intellectual disabilities) can be prescribed FDA approved Alzheimer's disease anti-amyloid immunotherapeutics, once they are authorized for use by adults with Down syndrome. A synopsis of the Panel's report has now been published in Alzheimer's & Dementia, the journal of the Alzheimer's Association.

Project ECHO Series on Dementia and Intellectual Disability

The NTG and URI/VCU GWEPs have announced our 9th series of ECHO programs on topics related to intellectual disability and dementia. The fall 2024 series will begin on October 7th and run through to December 2nd. The ECHO series is offered twice a year, is free, and is a practical, case-based /education program for health and social care providers who want to enhance their knowledge, capabilities, and performance related to the care of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities affected by dementia.

FMI and flyer is on the ECHO pageRegistration for the Fall series is now open.

The Gerontological Society of America and the NTG have Created a 'Companion' on Intellectual Disability and Dementia to its KAER Toolkit

The NTG, provider organizations in Ohio, and the GSA collaborated on producing a Companion to the GSA's renown KAER Toolkit. The new Companion, previewed at the GSA's November 2023 Conference in Tampa FL, specifically focuses on issues relevant to intellectual disability and dementia, providing guidance for health workers, support personnel, and caregivers. The Companion is now available via the GSA website. To access the KAER Companion on Intellectual Disability and Dementia, click on More Info >

NTG Joins the Lumind IDSC Foundation in DS-AD Staging Consensus Project Paralleling the AA/NIA's Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Staging Criteria

The National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association (NIA-AA) draft diagnostic criteria on diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease issued at the 2023 AAIC Conference in Amsterdam, NL, have now been updated. The criteria address diagnosing, via biomarkers, Alzheimer's disease in adults, including Down syndrome. To see an Explainer. The updated version has been published in Alzheimer's & Dementia; it was originally released at the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference in October 2023. Comments on Down syndrome were included in the new iteration. (To see Nov. 16th submission.) The new Lumind/NTG Project will examine the concordance of the criteria applications for adults with Down syndrome to the new AA Criteria.

NTG busca nuevos miembros para la junta

The NTG has issued a public policy advisory on applications of the CMS 'Settings Rule; with applications to community-based housing for adults with intellectual disability living with dementia. The advisory covers that adaptations agencies could use to provide HCBS supports in small dementia capable group homes and designing person-centered care plans.

NTG busca nuevos miembros para la junta

The NTG, jointly with the Health Matters Program at the University of Illinois Chicago, issued an advisory on risk reduction and brain health by moderating over-medication among adults with intellectual disability. The advisory, designed to promote healthy brain outcomes, recognizes that over-medicating can have negative effects on physical and brain health, as well as potentially can increase the risk for mild cognitive impairment or dementia. The information provided is intended to lead to a constructive scrutiny of medication use, avoid “medication harm’, and result in positive health outcomes.

NTG Welcomes the Support of the Peter J. Taylor Charitable Trust

The NTG is pleased to recognize the generous support of the Peter J. Taylor Charitable Trust in support of its family assistance and information efforts. New initiatives are underway to expand our focus on supporting families, which include maintaining an on-line monthly support group for caregivers, a new series of informative webinars, and increased involvement in producing family-friendly materials.

NTG busca nuevos miembros para la junta

El NTG está buscando nominaciones para dos puestos en su Junta Directiva.  Los miembros de la Junta brindan dirección general y contribuyen con su experiencia a la organización. Las autonominaciones son bienvenidas. Si tiene experiencia y/o interés en la discapacidad intelectual y la demencia y cree en la misión de NTG, considere enviar una nominación. Ir a nuestra página de Nominaciones,donde hay más información disponible. Las nominaciones deben enviarse antes del 20 de septiembre de 2022.

International Summit on ID and Dementia and the NTG Issue Seminal Report on Autism and Dementia

The NTG was a partner in the 2nd International Summit on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia, held on October 24-25, 2023 in Toronto, Ontario Canada. The Summit was part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Reena Organization.  A report on autism and dementia has been issue by the Summit Secretariat; other reports will be forthcoming. The NTG is the host for the International ID and Dementia Summit Secretariat.

Otras noticias destacadas de NTG
Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma
Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.
Próximos entrenamientos y talleres
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Talleres de EE. UU.

Amarillo, Texas - 4, 5 y 6 de octubre de 2022

En línea - 24 al 28 de octubre (medios días)

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Talleres Canadienses

Workshop schedule for 2024... Check for more information.

Serie de Educación ECHO

Serie ECHO de otoño de 2022 de NTG y URI/VCU: 'Envejecer con discapacidades intelectuales de por vida: cuando se sospecha o se diagnostica demencia'

Formación y educación de NTG

El NTG ofrece talleres de capacitación sobre discapacidad intelectual y demencia, en los EE. UU. y Canadá. Estos talleres de renombre se basan en los módulos curriculares basados en evidencia de NTG sobre diversos temas relacionados con la discapacidad intelectual y la demencia. 

La serie educativa ECHO de NTG es un programa educativo gratuito, práctico y basado en casos para proveedores de servicios sociales y de atención médica que desean mejorar sus conocimientos, capacidades y desempeño relacionados con el cuidado de personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo afectadas por la demencia.

Image by Samantha Borges

Apoyo familiar NTG

Image by Nathan Anderson
Image by Centre for Ageing Better

El NTG está comprometido con los cuidadores familiares, así como con los profesionales de servicio directo, que apoyan a las personas con discapacidad intelectual y demencia. Reconocemos que muchos miembros de la familia brindan atención diaria directa a su ser querido, mientras que otros están involucrados indirectamente. No importa cómo brinde atención, el trabajo que hacemos es en apoyo de todos los cuidadores familiares.

El NTG ofrece un grupo de apoyo en línea mensual gratuito para miembros de la familia que cuidan a un pariente adulto con identificación y demencia.  El grupo de apoyo se reúne el primer jueves de cada mes a las 8 p. m., hora del este. 

Formación y educación de NTG

Biblioteca de publicaciones

¿Busca información sobre la demencia y diversas afecciones, como el autismo o la parálisis cerebral? Qué pasasíndrome de regresiónySíndrome de Down?

Mantenemos páginas de información, que ofrecen resúmenes de investigaciones recientes, que cubren estos y otros temas relacionados. Vaya a nuestra biblioteca completa para filtrar en las categorías que le interesen.

Publicaciones destacadas

click on image to open PDF

My Thinker's Not Working

My Thinker's Not Working

Resource document

Physician's Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD

Physician's Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD

Resource document

Examining Adults with Neuroatypical Conditions for MCI/Dementia During Cognitive Impairment Assessments: Report of the Neuroatypical Conditions Expert Consultative Panel

Examining Adults with Neuroatypical Conditions for MCI/Dementia During Cognitive Impairment Assessments: Report of the Neuroatypical Conditions Expert Consultative Panel

Resource document

FAQ on Dementia and ID

FAQ on Dementia and ID

Resource document

Community Care and Supports for People with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia

Community Care and Supports for People with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia

Resource document

Bibliography on Dementia Care Management and Intellectual Disability

Bibliography on Dementia Care Management and Intellectual Disability

Working bibliography

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  • registro con descuento para talleres y seminarios web

  • oportunidades de establecer contactos

  • servicios informativos gratuitos

  • oportunidades de liderazgo

  • más información

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Estudiante/jubilado/miembro de la familia: cuota anual de $25

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