2020 National Research Summit Background Paper
Resource document
NTG response to a NIH's request for information The NTG submitted a background paper as a response to the NIH's request for information related to the upcoming Second National Research Summit on Care, Services, and Supports for Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers. The Summit was to be held on March 24-25, 2020 but was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic travel and gathering restrictions. It has been rescheduled for March, 2023. The Summit's focus was to be on a number of topics related to caregiving; thus, the NTG's response focused on three main issues which differentiated caregiving among families with a member who has an intellectual disability and is affected by dementia: (1) presence of BPSD, (2) dynamics of lifelong caregiving, and (3) access barriers to support services. The NTG had representation on two of the Summit's stakeholder working groups, which were charged with presenting recommendations to the Summit's organizing committee.