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Board Member Info

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Marianne Barbera, M.S.

Ms. Barbera is the sibling of an adult sister with Down syndrome diagnosed with dementia. She is a retired educator and advocate for the Down syndrome and intellectually and developmentally disabled community.  Ms. Barbera is a member of a variety of intellectual disability organizations including AHRC Nassau (a local chapter of The Arc), Board member of the Charles Evans Center (a medical group for persons with intellectual disability), and Partners Health Plan (a managed Medicare organization for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities).

Kathleen Bishop
Kathleen M. Bishop, Ph.D.

Dr. Bishop is a gerontologist with a specialty in aging with developmental disabilities.  Dr. Bishop works as a consultant for many organizations in the aging and intellectual disability networks and assists with program and support planning.  Her areas of expertise include environmental modifications and developmental disabilities, caregiving for adults with dementia and intellectual disability, and issues of women with disabilities.

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Lucille Esralew, Ph.D.

Dr. Esralew is a licensed psychologist in California and New Jersey and a Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist specializing in work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, individuals with severe mental health disorders and persons with dementia both with and without intellectual disability. She is on the Clinical Certification Subcommittee of NADD and serves as Senior Psychologist for the California Department of Developmental Services.

Colleen Hatcher
Colleen Hatcher, M.Ed.

Ms. Hatcher is the Chief of Staff at the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) in Washington, DC. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary special education and a master’s degree in elementary special education, severe disabilities from the University of Maryland. She was inspired to advocate for individuals with disabilities because of her friend Gina who has Down syndrome. She is passionate about ensuring that individuals with disabilities, their families, and caregivers have access to the services and supports they need.

E. Adel Herge
E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L

Dr. Herge is Professor and Director of the BSMS OT Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA, and Co-Chairs the NTG Evaluation Committee.  She has presented at various professional venues and authored book chapters on topics related to intellectual disability, aging, dementia, and occupational therapy practice.  She is Skills2Care® certified and has developed a new Skills2Care-ID® program to support caregivers of individuals with intellectual disability and dementia.

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Nancy S. Jokinen, MSW, Ph.D.

Dr. Jokinen is an adjunct professor for the University of Northern British Columbia's School of Social Work. She alongside Canadian colleagues leads the NTG - Canadian Consortium on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia. She helped adapt the NTG Education & Training Curriculum for use in a Canadian context and works to provide training and advocate on behalf of families and individuals with intellectual disability affected by dementia.

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Matthew P.  Janicki, Ph.D.

Dr. Janicki is a psychologist and research associate professor in the Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois Chicago, a past member of the federal Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services, and former director for aging and special populations for the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. He is a member of Executive Committee for the ISTAART DSAD PIA, adjunct professor at the University of New England (Newcastle, Australia), and the author of numerous books and articles on aging, dementia, and public policy with respect to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Seth Keller
Seth M. Keller, M.D.

Dr. Keller is a board-certified neurologist in private practice with Neurology Associates of South Jersey, specializing in the evaluation and care of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He is a Past President of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) and the past-chair of the Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Section of the American Academy of Neurology.  He is a co-author on a number of articles and book chapters relating to aging and dementia in adults with intellectual disability. 

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Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D.

Dr. Marsack-Topolewski is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Eastern Michigan University and principal investigator of the SOCIAL initiative. She has over 20 years of experience working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family caregivers. Dr. Marsack-Topolewski's research areas include family caregivers of adults with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities, social supports, quality of life, caregiver burden, as well as service delivery and service navigation for caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Philip McCallion, Ph.D.

Dr. McCallion is Professor and Director of the School of Social Work within the College of Public Health at Temple University and the co-founder/co-principal investigator/co-applicant of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging, and co-investigator on longitudinal studies of dementia in persons with Down syndrome. Dr. McCallion is also a Visiting/Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin, and is the National Consultant on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia for the U.S. National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center.

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Mary Milnamow, M.S.S.

Ms. Milnamow is a Ph.D. student at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work studying the health and well-being of family caregivers for older adults living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Prior to starting her Ph.D. program, Ms. Milnamow worked for 20 years in the Research & Evaluation Group at Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) in Philadelphia, PA, as a program evaluator. She was a sibling caregiver for her brother, Tommy, who had Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. Their AD journey inspires her daily to advocate for greater access to care and more equitable policies for overlooked populations. 

Teresa Moro, Ph.D.

Dr. Moro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work in the College of Health Sciences at RUSH University Medical Center in Chicago. Currently, Dr. Moro is a PI on two pilot awards titled 'Social Workers and Community Health Workers in Primary Care: A RE-AIM Impact Study' and 'Person-centered Psychotherapy Outcomes Measurement: Partnering with Patients and Therapists to Design a Value-driven Process', and a Co-I on the Partnering with Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Transform Health Outcomes (PATH-PWIDD) Program. Dr. Moro is interested in providing high-quality social and healthcare management to older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Dawna Torres Mughal, Ph.D., RDN

Dr. Mughal is associate professor emerita at Gannon University, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and Fellow of the American Dietetic Association and of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also the Clinical Director for Health Promotion for Special Olympics (PA) and a national consultant on nutrition and disability. Her interests and work includes research, acute care, higher education, nutrition education programs, advocacy for good causes, perennial volunteerism, and community service.

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Nancy J. Murray, M.S.

Ms. Murray is the President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh and Senior Vice President of Achieva. She has more than 45 years of experience in the disability field in the areas of public policy, advocacy, family support, supports coordination, health care, and state government serving people with disabilities and their families. Nancy's primary areas of interest and study are the resilience of families of children and adults with disabilities and family caregiving. Nancy and her husband have three adult children with Down syndrome. Nancy is the founder and Project Director of Achieva's Disability Healthcare Initiative and was one  of the founders and first Director of the Down Syndrome Center at Children's Hospital (UPMC) of Pittsburgh.

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Rick Rader, M.D.

Dr. Rader is the Director of the (Orange Grove) Habilitation Center in Chattanooga, TN, and a physician crossed-trained in internal medicine and medical anthropology. His special interests are in the aging process as it relates to individuals with intellectual disability; and especially in the training and education of direct support professionals and health care providers in the area of cognitive decline and dementia. He is a former member of the federal National Council on Disability, the Board President of the American Association on Health and Disability, and editor-in-chief of Helen, The Journal of Human Exceptionality.

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Diane Rubinstein, CPA

Ms. Rubinstein is the Chief Financial Officer at Makom, a Rockville MD based organization that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Before that she spent 24 years as the Controller / Director of Finance and then CFO at the Epilepsy Foundation, and has a lifetime of providing financial leadership in the non-profit sector.

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Kathryn P. Service, RN, M.S., FNP-BC, CDDN

Ms. Service is a nurse practitioner and specializes in gerontological nursing. Retired from the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, she consults as a dementia care specialist advanced practice provider. She has served on various advisory boards and committees, including the founding board of DDNA and presented and authored articles on aging, dementia, end-of-life related to people with intellectual disability.

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Helen Eshenour Stepowany, M.S.

Ms. Stepowany has worked for more than 40 years in the field of health and disability services.  She served in executive leadership roles for several highly regarded New York State non-profit organizations including Finger Lakes CP, Inc., Upstate Cerebral Palsy, Inc., the Kelberman Center for autism, and the Kennedy Willis Center at Pathfinder Village.  A former adjunct lecturer at Utica University, Ms. Stepowany currently works with non-profit organizations on capacity building and leadership development initiatives.  Ms. Stepowany’s consulting work also is focused on how livable community models can effectively support older adults with intellectual disabilities..

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